Amelia Methodist Church

When You Visit:

Come a little bit early and stop at the Visitor’s Table located near the main entrance. If you would like a tour of the building, or if you have an infant, toddler, or young child; we’ll be happy to show you around and answer any questions you may have.


The main entrance to the church is located on church Street. There you can pull-up to the doors, unload or load passengers. A small lot is located across from the  main entrance but we try to reserve this for our senior attendees and those who have trouble with stairs.

A much larger parking lot is located to the west of  the building. This is the  “Lower Level” entrance. From here you take the stairs to the upper level for the Sanctuary, Nursery and Fellowship Hall.

Over flow parking is to the rear of the church. This is a gravel lot. From here you can walk along church street to the Main entrance or use the Lower Level entrance.

Toddlers & Infants:

Nursery care is available during worship services. The nursery is located on the same level as the Sanctuary. You will be provided a pager for comfort of care and needs that may arise during worship.

Children's Church:

Children ages 4 to 5th grade are invited to leave the morning service to attend ‘Children’s Church.’

Leaders will take them to the Children’s Worship Area on the lower level. There the children will experience a fun filled service with music, instruction, craft, and refreshment.